Allen, Douglas W |
Simon Fraser University |
Canada |
Araral, Eduardo K. |
National University of Singapore |
Singapore |
Arruñada, Benito |
Pompeu Fabra University and BSE |
Spain |
Athanasouli, Daphne |
University College London |
United Kingdom |
Ball, Gwendolyn G. |
Bradley Univeristy |
United States |
Bano, Masooda |
University of Oxford |
United Kingdom |
Barbosa, Leon Victor de Queiroz |
Federal University of Pernambuco and Legislative Studies Center at Federal Univ. of Minas Gerais |
Brazil |
Beckmann, Volker |
Ernst-Moritz-Arndt-University Greifswald |
Germany |
Benham, Alexandra |
Ronald Coase Institute |
United States |
Benham, Lee K |
Ronald Coase Institute |
United States |
Bercovitz, Janet |
University of Colorado Boulder |
United States |
Bernhardt, Janine |
Trier University |
Germany |
Betancourt, Roger R |
University of Maryland |
United States |
Beuve, Jean |
University of Paris I Pantheon Sorbonne |
France |
Bhavnani, Rikhil R |
University of Wisconsin-Madison |
United States |
Boehm, Frédéric |
Universidad del Norte |
Colombia |
Boutry, Ornella |
Poitiers |
France |
Boyle, Neil E |
Private Industry (former World Bank) |
United States |
Bray, Samuel L |
United States |
Brousseau, Eric |
Dauphine|PSL University |
France |
Cabral, Sandro |
Federal U. of Bahia |
Brazil |
Cai, Meina |
University of Connecticut |
United States |
Calderon, Javier |
Universidad Francisco Marroquin |
Guatemala |
Carvalho, Rafaela M N |
Fundação Getulio Vargas |
Brazil |
Cassar, Alessandra |
University of San Francisco |
United States |
Chong, Eshien |
Sorbonne Business School |
France |
Clark, Alexandra N |
Massey University |
New Zealand |
Cook, Michael L. |
University of Missouri |
United States |
Dahms, Sven |
I-Shou University |
Taiwan, Province of China |
Danese, Giuseppe |
Simon Fraser University |
Canada |
Daudelin, Jean |
Carleton University |
Canada |
Davila, Eric J. |
Universidad de los Andes |
Colombia |
de Brux, Julie Elizabeth |
Sorbonne Business School |
France |
de Figueiredo, John |
Duke University |
United States |
Diamond, Stephen F. |
Santa Clara University |
United States |
Diaz-Cayeros, Alberto |
University of California, San Diego |
United States |
Dodlova, Marina |
University of Muenster, CESifo |
Germany |
Drobak, John N. |
Washington University |
United States |
Dumludağ, Devrim |
Marmara University |
Turkey |
Duschl, Tobias |
University of Zurich |
Switzerland |
Dye, Alan |
Barnard College, Columbia University |
United States |
Eberhart, Robert N |
Stanford University |
United States |
Epstein, Lee |
University of Southern California |
United States |
Fleck, Robert K |
Montana State University |
United States |
Forero-Pineda, Clemente |
Universidad de los Andes NIT 860007386-1 |
Colombia |
Fremeth, Adam |
University of Western Ontario |
Canada |
Gambardella, Massimiliano |
Legislative Office of Groups, Chamber of Deputies (Italy) |
Italy |
Gehlbach, Scott |
University of Chicago |
United States |
Geiger, Mark W |
Independent scholar |
United States |
Ghosh, Mrinal |
University of Arizona |
United States |
Gil, Ricard |
Queen's University |
Canada |
Golden, Miriam A |
University of California at Los Angeles |
United States |
Grosjean, Pauline A |
University of New South Wales |
Australia |
Gucwa, Michael |
Stanford |
United States |
Hadfield, Gillian K |
University of Toronto |
Canada |
Hargis, Darin |
The Ronald Coase Institute |
United States |
Harm, Christian |
University of Munster |
Germany |
Harris, Edwyna |
Monash University |
Australia |
Hatfield, John |
Stanford University |
United States |
Hatte, Sophie |
University Paris 1, Centro Studi Luca D'aglioni (University of Milan) |
Italy |
Hendrikse, George W |
Erasmus University Rotterdam |
Netherlands |
Henisz, Witold J |
University of Pennsylvania |
United States |
Hill, P J |
Property and Environment Research Center |
United States |
Holburn, Guy |
University of Western Ontario |
Canada |
Hoppe, Eva I. |
University of Cologne |
Germany |
Hu, Yunzhi |
Peking University |
China |
Huang, Fali |
Singapore Management University |
Singapore |
Istrate, Emilia C |
Brookings |
United States |
Jastrzebski, Jacek A. |
Poznan University of Economics |
Poland |
Jha, Saumitra |
Stanford University |
United States |
Jia, Nan |
University of Southern California |
United States |
Johnson, Noel D |
George Mason University |
United States |
Karan-Delhaye, Meral |
United States |
Keefer, Philip E |
Inter-American Development Bank |
United States |
Kelly, Daniel B |
Notre Dame |
United States |
Kirsch, Fabian |
Berlin Institute of Technology |
Germany |
Klein, Peter G |
Baylor University |
United States |
Kobayashi, Bruce H |
George Mason University |
United States |
Koppel, Hannes |
Max-Planck-Institute of Economics Jena |
Germany |
Koyama, Mark |
George Mason University |
United States |
Kuan, Jenny |
Stanford University |
United States |
Kulasza, Peter |
ILE Graduteschool/ University of Hamburg |
Germany |
La Croix, Sumner |
University of Hawaii |
United States |
Lang, Markus |
University of Zurich |
Switzerland |
Lazzarini, Sergio G |
Insper Institute of Education and Research |
Brazil |
Lehavi, Amnon |
Interdisciplinary Center (IDC) Herzliya |
Israel |
Lissowska, Maria |
Warsaw School of Economics |
Poland |
Lo, Desmond |
Santa Clara University |
United States |
Loeper, Antoine |
Northwestern University |
United States |
López Guzmán, Cuauhtémoc |
Universidad Autonoma de Baja California |
Mexico |
Lorentzen, Peter L |
University of California, Berkeley |
United States |
Luo, Mi |
Peking University |
China |
Luo, Hong |
Harvard Business School |
United States |
Lyarskaya, Natalia |
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense |
France |
Lyons, Kevin |
Independent Researcher and Adjunct Professor at Sierra Nevada College |
United States |
Machado, Luiz H. M. |
Nove de Julho University (Uninove) |
Brazil |
Macher, Jeffrey T |
Georgetown University |
United States |
Maitredhotel, Elodie |
France |
Maldonado, Stanislao |
Universidad del Rosario |
Colombia |
Manzanares, Carlos A |
Vanderbilt University |
United States |
Maseland, Robbert |
Radboud University Nijmegen |
Netherlands |
Masten, Scott E |
University of Michigan |
United States |
Mayer, Kyle |
University of Southern California |
United States |
Menard, Claude J.D. |
University of Paris (Pantheon-Sorbonne) |
France |
Metcalf, Cherie M |
Queen's University |
Canada |
Mittenzwei, Klaus |
Norwegian Agricultural Economics Research Institute |
Norway |
Monteiro, Guilherme F. de A. |
Insper Institute of Education and Research |
Brazil |
Morris, Ian |
Stanford University |
United States |
Morris, Laura C |
SOAS, University of London |
Italy |
Morrison, Kevin M |
Cornell University |
United States |
Moser, Petra |
Stanford University |
United States |
Mueller, Bernardo |
University of Brasilia |
Brazil |
Murrell, Peter |
University of Maryland |
United States |
Nee, Victor |
Cornell University |
United States |
Nesimi, Ardit |
Copenhagen Business School |
Denmark |
NGWENYA, Mthunzi |
EY |
South Africa |
Ngwu, Franklin N |
University of Manchester |
United Kingdom |
Niesten, Eva |
The University of Manchester |
United Kingdom |
North, Douglass C |
Washington University in St. Louis |
United States |
O'Nolan, Gerald |
University of Limerick |
Ireland |
Oğuz, Fuat |
Başkent University |
Turkey |
Opper, Sonja |
Lund University |
Sweden |
Oxley, Joanne E |
University of Toronto |
Canada |
Ozaki, Toshiya |
Copenhagen Business School & Rikkyo University |
Japan |
Paik, Christopher |
princeton university |
United States |
Pajak, Danny |
European-University Viadrina |
Germany |
Palau, Hernan |
Facultad de Agronomía-UBA |
Argentina |
Panos, Georgios A |
University of Essex |
United Kingdom |
Paredes, Luis |
Universidad Nacional de Piura |
Peru |
Patrascu, Lucian |
George Baritiu University from Brasov, Romania |
Romania |
Pepper, Alexander A |
London School of Economics and Political Science |
United Kingdom |
Perez, Yannick |
CentraleSupélec Paris |
France |
Perry, Tomer |
Stanford University |
United States |
Pitsoulis, Athanassios |
Brandenburg University of Technology |
Germany |
Porcher, Simon |
Sorbonne Business School |
France |
PROMSOPHA, Gwendoline |
Université Paris Ouest Nanterre La Défense |
France |
Prüfer, Jens |
Tilburg University and University of East Anglia |
United Kingdom |
Quelin, Bertrand V. |
HEC Paris |
France |
Raynaud, Emmanuel |
France |
rhee, sung sup |
Soongsil university |
Korea, Republic of |
Ribstein, Larry E |
University of Illinois |
United States |
Richter, Rudolf K.H. |
Universität des Saarlandes |
Germany |
Rossi, Maria Alessandra |
University of Siena |
Italy |
Rothstein, Bo |
University of Gothenburg |
Sweden |
Roussey, Ludivine |
Paris Ouest Nanterre |
France |
Rouvière, Elodie |
AgroParisTech |
France |
Royer, Annie |
Laval University |
Canada |
Russell, Michael C |
Lehigh University |
United States |
Sacconi, Lorenzo |
Università di Trento |
Italy |
Saes, Maria Sylvia Macchione |
University of Sao Paulo |
Brazil |
Saiegh, Sebastian M |
United States |
Santalo, Juan |
IE Business School |
Spain |
Saussier, Stephane |
Sorbonne Business School |
France |
Sauvée, Loïc |
Institut Polytechnique LaSalle Beauvais |
France |
Germany |
Seamans, Robert |
NYU Stern School of Business |
United States |
Seidler, Valentin |
Central European University |
Austria |
Seltzer, Andrew |
Royal Holloway, University of London |
United Kingdom |
School of Agronomy-UBA |
Argentina |
Serra, Danila |
Florida State University |
United States |
Sgard, Jerome |
Sciences-Po |
France |
Shamat, Hania |
University of Florida |
United States |
Shirley, Mary M |
Ronald Coase Institute |
United States |
Silverman, Brian S. |
University of Toronto |
Canada |
Simic Banovic, Ruzica |
University of Zagreb, Faculty of Law |
Croatia |
Skarbek, David B |
Brown University |
United States |
Sklias, Pantelis G |
University of Peloponnese |
Greece |
Smith, Henry E |
Harvard |
United States |
Söllner, Albrecht O.E. |
Europa-Universität |
Germany |
Soubeyran, Raphael |
French National Institute for Agricultural Research (INRA) |
France |
Souza, Roberta C |
University of São Paulo |
Brazil |
Spandou, Maria |
Instituto Superior Técnico (IST) |
Portugal |
Stadelmann, David |
University of Bayreuth |
Germany |
Stapper, Cristian |
Universidad Sergio Arboleda |
Colombia |
Stephen, Frank H |
University of Manchester |
United Kingdom |
Streb, Jorge M. |
Universidad del CEMA |
Argentina |
Sullivan, John D |
George Mason University |
United States |
Tjøtta, Sigve |
University og Bergen |
Norway |
Valetka, Uladzimir |
Labor Research Institute |
Belarus |
Vanden Bergh, Rick G |
University of Vermont |
United States |
Vatiero, Massimiliano |
University of Trento; and Università della Svizzera italiana |
Italy |
Vauday, Julien |
CNRS - University Paris 13 |
France |
Wang, Yamin J. |
Nanjing University of Finance and Economics |
China |
Warren, Patrick L |
Clemson University |
United States |
Webb, Steven B |
World Bank |
United States |
Weingast, Barry R |
Stanford |
United States |
Wendschlag, Mikael |
Uppsala University |
Sweden |
Whittington, Jan M |
Associate Professor/University of Washington |
United States |
Williamson, Claudia R |
New York University |
United States |
Williamson, Oliver E |
Universty of California, Berkeley |
United States |
Williamson, Dean V |
Independent Researcher |
United States |
Windsperger, Josef |
University of Vienna |
Austria |
Worch, Hagen |
Eawag - Swiss Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology |
Switzerland |
Yakovlev, Andrei A |
University - Higher School of Economics |
Russian Federation |
Yamarik, Steven J |
California State University at Long Beach |
United States |
Yeung, Luciana LT |
Insper Instituto de Ensino e Pesquisa |
Brazil |
You, Jong-sung |
University of California, San Diego |
United States |
Zanarone, Giorgio |
University of Lausanne |
Switzerland |
Zhang, Yi |
Singapore Management University |
Singapore |
Zhuravskaya, Ekaterina |
Paris School of Economics |
France |
Zou, Ben |
University of Maryland |
United States |