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Edwyna  Harris


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Main research topics :

  • Property Rights
  • Institutional Change and Evolution

Representative publications : please login to update it


Lee J. Alston, Edwyna Harris & Bernardo Mueller, 'Property Rights, Land Settlement and Land Conflict on Frontiers: Evidence from Australia, Brazil and the U.S.', in Research Handbook on the Economics of Property Law (Kenneth Ayotte & Henry E. Smith, eds., Edward Elgar, forthcoming 2011).

Harris, E. 2010. 'Scarcity and the evolution of water rights in the nineteenth century: the role of climate and asset type.' Discussion Paper 45/10. Department of Economics, Monash University.

Harris, E., Brooks, R., and Joymungul, Y. (2009) 'Market depth in an illiquid market: applying the VNET concept to Victorian water markets', Applied Economics Letters, 16, pp. 1361-1364

Harris, E. (2008), 'Colonialism and Long-run Growth in Australia: An examination of institutional change in Victoria's water sector during the nineteenth century', Australian Economic History Review, 48, pp. 266-279

Harris, E. (2008), 'Disorder with Law: A preliminary study of violence in response to water rights violation in colonial New South Wales', Economic Papers, special issue on water, 27, pp. 135-145

Brooks, R., and Harris, E. (2008), 'Efficiency gains from water markets: empirical analysis from Watermove', Agricultural Water Management, 95, pp.391-399

Harris, E. (2008), 'The persistence of correlative water rights in colonial Australia: a theoretical contradiction?' Discussion Papers, Department of Economics, Monash University, No 11/08  

Harris, E. (2007), 'Historical Regulation of Victoria's Water Sector: a case of government failure?'  Australian Journal of Agricultural and Resource Economics, 51, pp. 343-352 







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