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Danila  Serra


Personal website

Main research topics :

  • Experimental and Neuroeconomics
  • Corruption, formal and informal institutions

Representative publications : please login to update it

"Combining Top-downn and Bottom-up Accountability: Evidence from a bBribery Experiment" forthcoming in the Journal of Law Economics and Organization.

"Corruption and Culture: An Experimental Analysis" Journal of Public Economics 94, issues 11-12, December 2010., with A. Barr.

"The effects of externality and framing on bribery in a petty corruption experiment" Experimental Economics 12(4) 488 - 503, September 2009, with A. Barr.

"intrinsic motivations and the non-profit sector: Evidence from Ethiopia", forthcoming in Personality and Individual Differences, special issue on Personality and Economics (invited paper), with P. Serneels and A. Barr.

"Empirical determinants of corruption: A sensitivity Analysis" Public Choice 126 (1-2), 225-256, 2006.

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