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Stephane  Saussier

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Main research topics :

  • Public Procurement and Public Provision
  • Contracting and Private Ordering

Representative publications : please login to update it

(With A. YVRANDE et M. AMARAL) "Corruption, Collusion, and other Strategic Behaviors: The Case of Local Transport in London and France", Utilities Policy, 17, 166-175, 2009.

(With A. PLUNKET ET F. HUET), "La dimension spatiale dans le choix des collectivités de déléguer leurs services publics : le cas de la distribution d'eau en France", Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 123, 45-65, 2008.

(With L. ATHIAS) "Un Partenariat Public-Privé rigide ou flexible ? Théorie et application aux contrats de concessions routières à péage", Revue Economique, 58, 565-576, 2007.

(With E. CHONG, F. HUET ET F. STEINER) "Public-Private Partnerships and Prices: Evidence From Water Distribution in France", Review of Industrial Organization, 29, #1-2, 149-169, 2006.

(With B. DEFFAINS - E. PFISTER - M. DORIAT-DUBAN) « How laws and institutions may affect organizational choices: The Case of Franchising », European Journal of Law and Economics, 21 (1) 53-78, 2006.

(With P. GARROUSTE) "The Alternative Theories of the Firm", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Special Issue, Eds, P. Garrouste et S. Saussier, 58 (2), 178-199, 2005

(With E. RAYNAUD et T. PÉNARD) "Théorie des contrats et réseaux de franchise : analyse et enseignement", Revue Française d'Economie,18, 151-192, 2004.

«Transaction Costs and Contractual Completeness», Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Vol. 42 (2), 189-206, 2000.

(With S.E. MASTEN) «Econometrics of Contracts : An Assessment of Developments in the Empirical Litterature of Contracting», Revue d'Economie Industrielle, 92, 215-237, 2000

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