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Anne  Yvrande-Billon

Personal website

Main research topics :

  • Public Procurement and Public Provision
  • Contracting and Private Ordering

Representative publications : please login to update it

"Auction Procedures and Competition in Public Services: The Case of Urban Public Transport in France and London", Utilities Policy 17, 166-175, 2009 (with M. Amaral and S. Saussier). "Ownership, Contractual Practices and Technical Efficiency: The Case of Urban Public Transport in France", Journal of Transport Economics and Policy 41(2), 257-282, 2007 (with W. Roy). "The Attribution Process of Delegation Contracts in the French Urban Public Trnsport Sector: Why Competitive Tendering is a Myth", Annals of Public and Cooperative Economics 77(4), 453-478, 2006. "Institutional Constraints and Organizational Changes: The Case of the British Rail Reform", Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 56(4), 2005 (with C. Ménard).

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