Lynne Kiesling

- University : Northwestern University
- Department : Institute for Regulatory Law & Economics
- Country : United States
- Email : (Email addresses visible only to logged-in members)
Main research topics :
- Regulation and Regulatory Institutions
- Market Institutions and Organization
Representative publications : please login to update it
Theisen, Alexander, Lynne Kiesling, and Michael Munger. 2022. “From Airbnb to Solar: Market Platforms as Local Sharing Economies.” Public Choice, forthcoming.
Burnett, J. Wesley, and L. Lynne Kiesling. 2022. “How Do Machines Predict Energy Use? Comparing Machine Learning Approaches for Modelling Household Energy Demand in the United States.” Energy Research and Social Science, forthcoming.
Mays, Jacob, Michael T. Craig, L. Lynne Kiesling, Joshua Macey, Blake Shaffer, and Han Shu. 2022. “Private Risk and Social Resilience in Liberalized Electricity Markets.” Joule,
Arlt, Marie-Louise, David P. Chassin, and L. Lynne Kiesling. 2021. “Opening up Transactive Systems: Introducing TESS and Specification in a Field Deployment.” Energies, 14(13): 3970- 3992,
Littlechild, Stephen, and L. Lynne Kiesling. 2021. “Hayek and the Texas Blackout.” Electricity Journal, 34.
Kiesling, L. Lynne. 2020. “Plug-and-Play, Mix-and-Match: A Capital Systems Theory of Digital Technology Platforms.” Review of Austrian Economics 34(1): 13-32.
Burnett, J. Wesley, and L. Lynne Kiesling. 2019. “Power Plant Thermal Efficiency as a Regulatory Mechanism: Implications for Emission Rates and Levels.” Energy Policy 134.
Kiesling, Lynne. 2018. “Toward a Market Epistemology of the Platform Economy.” Advances in Austrian Economics 23: 45-70.
Kiesling, Lynne. 2016. “Implications of Smart Grid Innovation for Organizational Models in Electricity Distribution,” in Chen-Ching Liu, Stephen McArthur, and Seung-Jae Lee, eds., Wiley Smart Grid Handbook. London: Wiley.
Boffa, Federico, and Lynne Kiesling. 2016 “Competitive Joint Venture Ownership of Networks as an Alternative to Regulation,” in Arnold Picot, Massimo Florio, Nico Grove, and Johan Kranz, eds., The Economics of Infrastructure Provisioning: The (Changing) Role of the State. MIT Press.
Kiesling, Lynne. 2014. “Incumbent Vertical Market Power, Experimentation, and Institutional Design in the Deregulating Electricity Industry,” Independent Review 19(2): 239-264.
Kiesling, Lynne. 2012. “Mirror Neuron Research and Adam Smith’s Concept of Sympathy: Three Points of Correspondence,” Review of Austrian Economics 25(4): 299-313.
Kiesling, Lynne. 2008. Deregulation, Innovation, and Market Liberalization: Electricity Restructuring in a Constantly Evolving Environment. Routledge Studies in Business Organizations and Networks. London: Routledge. (book)
Chassin, David, and Lynne Kiesling. 2008. "Decentralized Coordination Through Digital Technology, Dynamic Pricing, and Customer-Driven Control: The GridWise Testbed Demonstration Project," Electricity Journal 21 Issue 8 (October 2008): 51-60.
Kiesling, Lynne. 2009. "Retail Restructuring and Market Design in Texas," in Lynne Kiesling and Andrew Kleit, eds., Electricity Restructuring: The Texas Story, Washington, DC: AEI Press. (book chapter author, editor)
Kiesling, Lynne, and Bart Wilson. 2007. “An Experimental Analysis of the Effects of Automated Mitigation Procedures on Investment and Prices in Wholesale Electricity Markets.” Journal of Regulatory Economics, 31 (2007): 313-334.
Kiesling, Lynne. 2005. "Using Economic Experiments to Test Electricity Policy," Electricity Journal 18 (November 2005): 43-50.