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Pablo  Balan

Personal website

Main research topics :

  • Economic Institutions and Performance
  • Norms. Customs, and Culture

Representative publications : please login to update it


  • Balan, P., A. Bergeron, G. Tourek, and J. Weigel (2022). Local Elites as State Capacity: How City Chiefs Use Local Information to Increase Tax Compliance in the D.R. Congo. American Economic Review 112(3): 762-797.
  • Balan, P., J. Dodyk, and I. Puente (2022). The Political Behavior of Family Firms: Evidence from Brazil. World Development 151.
  • Arias, E., P. Balan, H. Larreguy, J. Marshall, and P. Querubin (2019). Information Provision, Voter Coordination, and Electoral Accountability: Evidence from Mexican Social Networks. American Political Science Review 113(2): 475-498.

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