Ashutosh Thakur

- University : National University of Singapore
- Department : Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy
- Country : Singapore
- Email : (Email addresses visible only to logged-in members)
Main research topics :
- Economic Institutions and Performance
- Market Institutions and Organization
Representative publications : please login to update it
- “Matching in the Civil Service: A Market Design Approach to Public Administration
and Development.” Ashutosh Thakur (2021)
- “Matching Politicians to Committees.” Ashutosh Thakur (2020)
- "Endogenous Institutional Stability." Ashutosh Thakur (2022)
- "“Endogenous Organizational Re-structuring: Status, Productivity & Meritocratic Dy-
namics.” Ashutosh Thakur and Jonathan Bendor (2022)